Monday, March 12, 2007

Back to that same old place, Chicago.

And in spite of (or because of?) a crazy-busy schedule, we had a great time. Two nights in the city, three days in the suburbs, plus three different parties (a baby shower for Missy, a 6th birthday party for second-cousin Sarah, and a general get-together for Ada and Esme), and we were exhausted! But what fun! We got to see so many friends, so many family members!

The first two days of the trip we spent in the city, showing our girls the sights. Ada was especially interested in seeing where they film ER (yes, I let her watch the medical parts, but not the “grown-up relationship” parts, just in case you’re worried!). I think she was disappointed to find out there isn’t a hospital at the Chicago stop on the brown line. Oh well.

Some highlights of her city adventure: the Art Institute (especially the miniature rooms), our old loft building, the Palmer House, and the American Girl store.

And then for the big gathering on Sunday, over 80 people showed up to share the afternoon with us. Thanks to my mom and dad, my Aunt Judy and Uncle Tom, my cousin Sara, and Chef Patrick, we had a fantastic spread of food and beautiful flowers. They worked so hard to put together a nice day for all of us, and was it ever!

And thanks to so many who came from far away. Bob and Margaret and Mrs. Hallas came from Canada, and Nancy and Rick and the cousins came from Iowa, and Marie and Gerald and their beautiful girls came from Indiana. And thanks, too, to all the friends and family nearby. I know how busy Sundays can be—it was great you could make it!

The kids had a great time playing together, and Ada was in her element. I loved so much seeing the children of so many friends in one place, all running and laughing together. Ada is sometimes shy with kids here, and it was reassuring to see how “kid-like” she can be when she lets herself!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you had a great time - it was wonderful to see you and all of your friends. What a great party!!

