Thursday, June 26, 2008

Be Kind, Rewind

Okay, we don't get out much lately. Our days of dining out and seeing movies in the theater are on hold for a few years, mostly because we like to put the kids to be ourselves, but, let's be serious--we run out of energy to stay awake most weeknights!
For the most part, we resort to waiting for DVD releases.
And once in a great while, we find one that's a great, fun movie--like tonight. Be Kind, Rewind, with Jack Black and Mos Def, Danny Glover, and Mia Farrow. What a little gem. Funny and sweet, it's about making community, making a purpose for yourself, and connecting with art (in this case film) while making it yours.
I watched this movie with a goofy grin, and Ada watched it with us. I think she appreciated some of it, but I really can't wait to show her it again when she's older and after she's seen a few of the "real" movies this one remakes. Check out the website to see a preview. It's worth a watch.

The other thing I can't help but see is the similarity of this movie to the notion of collage and reclaimed/repurposed art. I've got a few projects going involving these, and I'm eager to get them done and on the wall. I'll post photos when they're ready.

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