Friday, March 13, 2009


Maybe it's that we've seen robins in the yard, or maybe it's that I've been catching whiffs of warmer weather on the breeze from time to time.  Most likely, though, it's that we've collected the detritus of papers, toys, and whatnot that can accumulate when you spend all your time inside.    Whatever it is, I've been seized by the urge to clean, clean, clean.

I feel a bit like a flasher, showing you these unmentionables:  but here is just one tiny piece of my clutter: the cabinet in the study.  It may have been orderly in the fall, when school started, but entrophy has set in, and it's an avalanche waiting to happen...

In the process of cleaning, I'm turning up all sorts of doodads that I missed, and discovering that there are more things in this house than I have use for.   Old wires from dead and long-departed cellphones--what am I keeping these for?  Old sandals whose soles are worn to holes--what am I thinking?  It's as though I'm waking up from a clutter hibernation, and lumbering into the light, I'm seeing a feast of MESS.   I've thrown myself into cleaning it to the point of dreaming of how I can organize the attic, the cabinets in the bathrooms, the pantry. 

All of these are somewhat, if not completely, futile projects.  With a toddler following me most of the day, all organization is up for grabs.   And the off-limits places like the attic, well--to even think to organize that will mean a day of a babysitter.  I can think of a hundred other things I'd rather do while the sitter is here, couldn't you?

This is a long way of saying that I've not abandoned the blog, though I've only posted once this week.  It's that I'm up to my rubber-gloved hands in sudsy water and piles of recycling paper.  I will be posting again more starting this weekend!


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you! What a great way to connect. I wonder if all the people we connect with on our blogs would be people we'd be great friends with if they only lived closer. I'm reading your bog now and find it remarkably thoughtful and deep. I'm definitely going to follow your blog too.

  2. Great idea--yes, what is it about spring cleaning? And why do we (I am certainly part of the clan of the mess) allow it to accumulate?

    Maybe fear that we'll need these things when they are gone? Or guilt for throwing "perfectly good things" away? I'm not sure.

    Happy spring cleaning to you!

  3. Lovely lady, I also wish you a happy spring cleaning :)

    I must start to think about that...

    Hope you're having a happy time and a great weekend


  4. I see your sudsy water and raise you a dustbuster and wrecking ball. The clutter is threatening to overwhelm me. It's all I can do to keep up the family room, alone, meaning the other rooms suffer with the clutter that I simply move there so as to keep that aforementioned family room free of said clutter. So, Kir, when you're done with yours, please come to my house and tell me what to do with mine. And as an aside, ooooh, how I've always wanted to have a real live attic ... and secret passage to it :-)
