Friday, November 21, 2008

"I Love You This Much" Award--for me?

For me!  Awarded to me by my friend la belle Belette Rouge, this is the "I Love You This Much" award. 

What a sweet gesture. And I assure you the feelings are mutual, ma belle!  Thank you!!
If you haven't seen her blog, you should.  Aside from being a great writer and observer of life in general, she's got moxy and a sharp sense of humor--and an eye for fashion, too.  What's not to love?  

There are rules that come with awarding and receiving this. Here are they are:
Rules: Link to the person who started this award (That's GEnYZe).
Link to the person who "loves" you, in my case, it's La Belette Rouge.
Post the rules on your blog.
Tag 7 people at the end of your post and link to them.
Let each person know they have been "Loved" and leave a comment on their blog.

Okay, I like rules. Here are the blogs I tag:

  1. The Storialist   The poems on this blog are so consistently amazing that I am addicted to it.  I remain in awe.  Storialist, I understand if you are unable to respond, as the format of your blog doesn't really allow for it, but know your work is loved...
  2. BariJ.   This amazing girl is someone I am lucky enough to know in person.  We were childhood friends, and I can tell you she has always been a force of nature.   Her blog is worth watching.  So are her designs--from handbags to fabric to accessories.  I LOVE IT.   And you will too.   
  3. Wordlovers Unite.  I recently discovered Irene's site and her poetry, and I'm so glad to recognize her as a talent and someone I read regularly.  
  4. Mommycoddle.  Thoughtful and inspiring, this blog is honest and clear-eyed.  I enjoy every post.  Her art is beautiful, too.
  5. Six and a Half Stitches.  A lovely blog, with great perspectives in both photos and what she has to say about the world and the domesticated life.
  6. Posy Gets Cozy.  Alicia Paulson is a fine writer and artist, and her blog is one I love looking at.   She's so talented, and so sweet.  Her photos and ideas for the domestic life are wonderful.
  7. La Belette Rouge.  I don't know if it's in the rules or not, but I'm reawarding this back to her.  I read all her posts, and I am consistently inspired, entertained, and moved by her writing.   Spend a few minutes reading her, and you'll agree with me.  

A few of these blogs have formats that don't really support badges or posts citing rules.  It matters not to me whether or not you link to the award or acknowledge it at all; what does matter is that I wanted to tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog.  Thank you for taking the time to share some of yourself online.  I know I'm not alone when I say I appreciate it!


  1. If I could just get my arms to get a longer, cause how much I am loving you and your blog are just big love and my arms are not long enough.

    It has been so lovely to get to know you and see all that you love on your beautiful blog. My only complaint is that you are keeping me hanging on the mouse story. He-weasel asked me if Mouse might be up for some E-vermony dating. Has he ever considered a weasel?;-)

    Thanks so much for all the incredible things you said about my blog. I am delighted to be in such great company. I know and love about half of your awardees. I look forward to discovering the ones I don't know.

  2. Kirie - thanks for making my day! You inspire with nearly every post... so happy our web-threads got all tangled up. :)

  3. Kirie,
    Thank you so much for this "award". It is so wonderful to hear these kind words. I really appreciate it. a lot.

    hope you're closing out a beautiful weekend...
    happy monday.

  4. You are wonderful! Thanks--I appreciate it TONS!

    And I adore your blog :).
